Technology for vascular health

Detect cardiovascular diseases years in advance – when they are still preventable!

Microcirculation is life

More than 80% of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented if the risk factors are identified and eliminated in time.

But most people don’t know their own cardiovascular risk.

The microcirculation is the functionally crucial endpoint of the cardiovascular system

Despite the importance of the microcirculation to human health, accurate noninvasive measurements have not been possible in the past.

We offer new perspectives for diagnostic care.

Image shows the proportion of macrocirculation and microcirculation in the human body

26% Macrocirculation

74% Microcirculation

Detect cardiovascular disease years in advance when it is still treatable!

Functional vascular changes can be detected using risk markers – long before the first morphological damage becomes apparent.

With our Retinal Vessel Analysis technology, we set the gold standard and are highly recognized in the scientific community.

Our product areas

Our algorithms for Static Vessel Analysis allow non-invasive and non-contact examination of the morphology of retinal vessels. This is associated with overall vascular health and the global state of the microcirculation and is thus an integral part of modern cardiovascular diagnostics.

Our Dynamic Vessel Analysis is a worldwide unique method for the non-invasive investigation of the function and autoregulation of retinal vessels  using video sequences. In this process, the vessel calibers  along the vessels are recorded and analyzed on the retina  in a time-varying manner .

With the RCrodent systems, Imedos offers the only commercially available solution for non-contact imaging and fluorescein angiography for the smallest eyes. We thus give you the tools for easy static and dynamic examination of the microcirculation even on the animal model.

With the IOPstim system, Imedos is the only provider to enable the patient to increase the intraocular pressure easily and painlessly as a prerequisite for a gentle measurement of the retinal venous pressure for improved diagnosis of eye diseases such as glaucoma.


In addition to the important and efficient assessment of your patients' cardiovascular risk, Retinal Vessel Analysis methods are also suitable for various applications in routine clinical practice. For example, there is a discrepancy between standardized risk scores and the incidence of coronary artery disease in women.


Often, disturbed blood flow to the eye is the cause of the onset or progression of many eye diseases. Imedos' advanced Retinal Vessel Analysis technology makes it possible to diagnose these vascular components at an early stage and subsequently verify the impact of therapy.


Pathologies of the microcirculation are associated with diverse clinical pictures in neurology. Therefore, the parameters of Retinal Vessel Analysis are suitable to draw conclusions about the risk of stroke, the severity of cerebral vascular diseases or other neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Cardiometabolic prevention

The goal of cardiometabolic prevention is to prevent or delay the development and manifestation of vascular diseases at an early stage. The parameters of Retinal Vessel Analysis offer new possibilities to extend the established gold standards of macrovascular diagnostics by microcirculation.


Recent studies present the associations between retinal vascular changes, arterial hypertension, and renal changes. One example is results demonstrating the associations between venous dysregulation and end-state mortality in patients with chronic renal failure. In these studies, our Dynamic Vessel Analysis represents a novel diagnostic tool for risk stratification.


Around 1.3 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension. However, since this disease is usually asymptomatic at the beginning, a good half of these patients are unaware of their disease and the associated risk. The microvessels of the retina are very sensitive to changes in blood pressure and thus often provide the first clues to development or pre-existing disease.

Our users

"The software is really intuitive and offers clinicians a much greater scope of practice in the care of their patients. Being able to record accurate changes in retinal vessel diameter and link this with a patient's cardiovascular risk profile will make a huge difference in the level of care that we can offer our patients going forwards."

Dr. Christian French
Consulting Optometrist in Kibworth Harcourt & Specialist Optometrist at Kettering General Hospital United Kingdom

"As an ophthalmologist, I had heard of the retinal vascular analysis method many years ago and was familiar with the approach. However, the comprehensive significance and usefulness of the screening tool for assessing vascular health only became clear to me after a drastic experience in my own family."

Dr. med. Ute Hunger
Niedergelassene Augenärztin Frankenberg (Sachsen)

"Die Hypercholesterinämie ist eine in der heutigen Zeit leider von vielen Kolleginnen und Kollegen noch viel zu stark unterschätzte Problematik. Die retinale Gefäßanalyse hilft uns neben der Routinediagnostik Risikopatienten am Universitätsklinikum Jena zu identifizieren, um so frühzeitig die Therapie zu optimieren und kardiovaskulären Ereignissen, wie Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall vorzubeugen."

Prof. Dr. Oliver Weingärtner
Oberarzt am Universitätsklinikum Jena Klinik für Innere Medizin I Interventionelle Kardiologie, Angiologie und spezielle internistische Intensivmedizin Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung von Fettstoffwechselstörungen und Ihren Folgeerkrankungen DGFF (Lipid-Liga) e.V.

"Static Retinal Vessel parameters are useful surrogate markers for cardiovascular risk. VesselMap offers rapid, repeatable semiautomated analyses of retinal vessel parameters for research and clinical purposes.”

Dr. Rebekka Heitmar
Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Centre for Vision across the Life Span, University of Huddersfield United Kingdom

“Für die klinische Kreislauf-Forschung ist eine hoch reproduzierbare Messung der Reaktion retinaler Gefäße auf vasoaktive Substanzen von höchster Bedeutung. Mit dem IMEDOS-System steht ein derartiges Messverfahren zur Verfügung, welches sich sowohl zur individualisierten Therapie einzelner Patienten als auch für klinische Studien an Kollektiven mit unterschiedlichen vaskulären Erkrankungen nutzen lässt.”

Prof. Dr. med. Joachim E. Nasemann (Facharzt für Augenheilkunde) & Prof. Dr. med. Martin Middeke (Facharzt für Innere Medizin)
Interdisziplinäres Durchblutungslabor CIRCULAB Munich

"Als Augenarzt bekomme ich immer wieder Patienten von Kardiologen zugewiesen. Diese bitten mich um die Einschätzung des Gefäßzustandes (AV-Ratio) Ihrer Patienten, um bei unsicherer Datenlage Ihre Entscheidung einer antihypertensiven Therapie zu festigen. Die AV-Ratio, die bislang immer subjektiv geschätzt werden musste, kann mit dem Imedos-Gerät gemessen werden. Wenn ich rückblickend in meine Patientenakten blicke und die gemessene AV-Ratio (Imedos) und die geschätzte AV-Ratio (ich) vergleiche, fällt mir auf wie sinnvoll das Geld für dieses Gerät angelegt ist."

Dr. med. Matthias Malt
Niedergelassener Augenarzt in Köln

The dynamic retinal vessel analysis by Imedos has been an instrumental part of our research to understand vascular contributions to cognitive decline in aging and age-related diseases. Considering the fact that eye is the part of the central nervous system that is located outside of the cranium, assessment of dynamic changes in the retinal vasculature in response to photoreceptor stimulation provides a unique approach to directly visualize neurovascular responses in the brain. Our on-going clinical studies and clinical trials in young and aged healthy participants, as well as in participants with age-related diseases, indicate that dynamic retinal vessel analysis may provide an important tool for identifying individuals at risk for vascular cognitive impairment and dementia.

Andriy Yabluchanskiy, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Center for GeroScience and Healthy Brain Aging Department of Neurosurgery University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

„Through many years of research in cooperation with Imedos, it was possible to progress the methodological development of the technical basis for the vascular analysis of the retina. In particular, the use of electro-optical principles in the Imedos Dynamic Analyzer enables a more patient-friendly provocation of the retinal microcirculation, while at the same time maintaining the quality of the analysis.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Klee
Head of the Department of Optoelectrophysiological Medical Technology Ilmenau University of Technology

„Intraocular pressure is an important risk factor in ophthalmology. In glaucoma in particular, however, vascular factors such as disorders of vascular autoregulation and reduced blood supply to the optic nerve play an equally important role. These vascular parameters can be examined non-invasively with Dynamic Vessel Analysis.“

Dr. med. Cengiz Türksever
Senior Physician, Co-Head of Glaucoma Northwestern Switzerland Head of Glaucoma Diagnostics Vista Eye Clinic Binningen


Specialist article provides new insights: Development of high blood pressure can be detected as early as in childhood According to a new study from Switzerland using the method of

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